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iSea Yachting

Yacht Charters and Boat Rentals in Faro, Portugal

Sail into Luxury, Navigate with Elegance – Isea Yachting, Where Every Voyage is an Unforgettable Journey




We at iSea Yachting offer Boat Tours, Yacht Charters and Boat Rentals in the Algarve – Faro, based on premium, luxurious and spacious yachts.

We guarantee maximum quality, comfort and pleasure for all our guests.


Absolutely fantastic day! Private Catamaran Trip

Absolutely fantastic day! The skipper & host were amazing, they couldn’t have done anymore for us. We enjoyed every second and the boat is beautiful! Would highly recommend and come back again

– Hayley, Samboat
Que experiência, dia fabuloso Private Motor Yacht Trip

Que experiência, dia fabuloso. Bruno é muito simpático e prestativo e deixa você muito à vontade. O iate é incrível e a tripulação é tão adorável. O dia passou tão rápido, com certeza faria de novo e recomendaria o Bruno. Obrigado a todos por um dia brilhante e por criarem lembranças maravilhosas.

– Karen, Get My Boat
A great trip out with the whole family Private Catamaran Boat Trip

A great trip out with the whole family, the skipper and crew were really lovely, very knowledgeable and couldn’t be more accommodating, would highly recommend!

– Barry Bloom, Sailo
So Much Fun Private Motor Yacht Trip

Thanks for a great day our wishes it was longer soo much fun. Bruno’s crew was fantastic and I have no complaints just wish we could have paid for longer and seen even more beautiful sights the team were so lovely even took us to the beach

– Maria, Get My Boat
1000% sim, sim sim RECOMENDO ALTAMENTE Passeio Privado de Catamaran

Pesquisei iates e catamarãs menores para a despedida de solteira da minha irmã em Faro, Portugal e quando vi esta postagem, soube imediatamente que esta era a escolha perfeita para a nossa festa. O Bruno foi totalmente solícito, comunicativo, flexível, paciente e transparente durante o tempo que antecedeu a compra — na verdade, entrei em contato com ele de outro site e ele recomendou que eu fosse direto com ele pois sairia mais barato! No dia em que tivemos Annie e o capitão do barco, que foram muito simpáticos e calorosos e nos ofereceram bebidas, prepararam os lanches que trouxemos, tiraram nossas fotos e tiveram conversas realmente informativas sobre a ilha em que estávamos ancorando e boa conversa geral e piadas. Até esquecemos nossa cesta de piquenique no barco e Annie se ofereceu para deixá-la em nosso Airbnb! Ela era comunicativa e fazia por vontade própria e bondade e amor pelo que fazia e isso realmente nos impressionou. Aquele dia no mar foi tão lindo e mágico para nós! RECOMENDARIA ABSOLUTAMENTE 38734984587458745874574875498579348758457845x repetidamente.

– Yvette Villanueva, Google
Foi tudo perfeito organizado. Passeio Privado de Iate a Motor

Muito obrigado por esse dia incrível. Foi tudo perfeito organizado.

– Phil Meuser, Google
Top top top, experiência absolutamente incrível Passeio Privado de Catamaran

Top top top, experiência absolutamente incrível… Você não poderia pedir uma tripulação melhor - parada maravilhosa em Little Beach com águas cristalinas

– Nicole Fuchs, Google
Excelente Atendimento Passeio Privado de Iate a Motor

Excelente atendimento de Flor e João no barco e Bruno no escritório. Muito educados, nos deixaram a vontade. Recomendo este serviço.

– Luiz Modesto, Google
Experiência unica

Contactamos a empresa pela Internet. Foram super atenciosos e muito profissionais na organização da nossa experiência. O passeio, esse foi fantástico e iremos repetir, seguramente.

– TSweetTours, Tripadvisor
Uma tarde muito bem passada!! Recomendo.

Um excelente passeio no Rio Tejo, com uma vista maravilhosa sobre lisboa. A crew foi impecável desde o primeiro contacto, muito simpáticos e prestáveis. Vamos repetir!

– Raquel MacDonal...M, Tripadvisor
Vamos repetir sempre que pudermos!

Um dia inesquecível que valeu para a nossa família como uma semana de relax! O capitão João e a Maria a nossa assistente, foram de uma simpatia e de um profissionalismo difíceis de igualar!! Tudo correu fabulosamente. Parabéns ao Bruno e à sua equipa pela excelente organização!!

– João, Tripadvisor
Fantástico serviço, staff muito simpático e atencioso

Empresa muito acessível em termos de comunicação, marcações muito bem agilizadas, itinerário de passeio muito bem escolhido.

– hugopteixeira, Tripadvisor
Altamente recomendado! Passeio Privado Catamaran

A equipe do iSea foi muito hospitaleira, acolhedora e experiente. O catamarã era limpo e moderno. Ótima atividade para todas as idades.

– Lauren Wibholm, Google
Experiência de nível superior! Passeio Privado Catamaran

Tivemos um dia incrível com Ani e Pedro. Ambos foram muito, MUITO prestativos e super gentis. Estamos todos muito felizes com a experiência, se fosse possível teríamos ficado mais tempo. Altamente recomendado se você estiver na área, não vai se arrepender, nós 9 podemos garantir. Obrigado novamente a Ani e Pedro, e obrigado também a Bruno e Juan pela comunicação e integração tranquilas.

– Mathis Selvi, Google
Top Team Private Catamaran Trip

Top team ! Disponible, adorable et a l'ecoute. Je conseille vivement

– Catherine Maunoir, Google
The best part of our trip Private Motor Yacht Trip

Bruno and everyone that works with him are unbelievable. This was the best part of our trip. They took care of everything and and made our boat ride incredible. Such a pleasure to deal with…just what the DOCTOR ordered

– Jaime Miller, Google
Top! Only happiness! The lagoon is just beautiful to discover by boat

Top ! The lagoon is just beautiful to discover by boat .. the desert island .. etc .. only happiness. Bruno is responsive and offers serious quality service. I recommend.

– Stéphane, Click and Boat
Couldn’t have been easier or more fun Private Motor Yacht Trip

We hired the boat for our family of 4 and it couldn’t have been easier or more fun. We parked right outside the office and we’re immediately taken by boat on a short ride to meet the skipper and crew for the day. The boat was immaculately clean and had everything we needed for a fun day. The restaurant Estamine on the island had the most incredible fish dishes and the Staff were really friendly.

– Pippa Seager, Click and Boat
Amazing! Private Motor Yacht Trip

This was a wonderful experience. The staff were very friendly and gave us options of what to do with our time on the catamaran. We chose to go out to sea first where we were surrounded by dolphins! They then took us to a cove to swim, it was lovely. The boat is beautiful and we were sad to get off.

– Belinda, Tripadvisor
Fabulous day on the water Private Catamaran Boat Trip

Annie our hostess and Pedro our captain were so friendly and knowledgeable about the areas we sailed to. We anchored and were able to swim to the beach some used paddle boards which were supplied. Great value for money and the best day spent with friends. Highly recommended

– Darcy, Tripadvisor
Favorite Activity in the Algarve

We had such a great time all around, absolutely no complaints. We loved the boat itself but what really made the experience so great was that the skipper and hostess were wonderful. Extremely friendly, welcoming and accommodating. They will tailor the experience to you for whatever activity or sights you would like to see or do. We had beautiful weather and just wanted to get out to the open water and sail, and hopefully see some dolphins, and their genuine excitement really made it apparent that they love their job, and that always makes an experience better. If we ever get the opportunity we will absolutely go again, and the next time we will book a longer trip. Thank you all very much.

– Chris S, Tripadvisor
You have To Do This!

My partner and I booked a private speed boat tour around The Ria Formosa islands with iSea and it was a real treat. Very informative and we had a great Tour Guide. Ask for Bruno if he's available and you won't be disappointed! Thanks!!

– jusmike, Tripadvisor
Highly recommend! Private Catamaran Boat Trip

The iSea team were so hospitable, welcoming and knowledgeable. The catamaran was clean and modern. Great activity for all ages.

– Lauren Wibholm, Google
Relaxed great vacations

One of the best, if not the best spot in Algarve to spent great quality time with friends and family. We've been there last year and it was fantastic. The isea team is very professional and knows very well what the guests want. Very polite and always ready to help you. The boat was amazing and very well kept. You fell at home and completely relaxed.

– Gseusebio, Tripadvisor
The most perfect day!

Carlos and Daniela provided us (2 couples) the most amazing, unforgettable day with a private all-day tour in Ria Formosa! They were so incredibly nice and knowledgeable about the area, helped us with everything we needed, the boat was big, beautiful and ideal, gave us access to the most beautiful beaches, we had a blast doing paddleboard and swimming in the gorgeous water... It was the most perfect day!

– Paulo01, Tripadvisor
Great family time on the boat Private Motor Yacht Trip

We had a really great time on the boat. Bruno was really nice and helpful since the beginning. Once in the boat Carlos and Filipa were welcoming, warm and full of small attentions. For sure we will come back next year ! Do not hesitate to book this excursion 🙌🏻

– Camille S, Tripadvisor
1000% yes, yes yes HIGHLY RECOMMEND. Hen Party at Private Catamaran

I researched for smaller yachts and catamarans for my sister's bachelorette party in Faro, Portugal and when I saw this posting, I immediately knew that this was the perfect choice for our party. Bruno was completely helpful, communicative, flexible, patient and transparent during the time leading up to the point of purchase — I actually contacted him of another site and he recommended that I go directly with him as it would be cheaper! The day of we had Annie and the skipper of the boat who were so friendly and warm and offered us drinks, prepared the snacks we brought , took our pics, and had really informative conversations about the island we were anchoring at and general nice talk and jokes. We even forgot our picnic basket on the boat and Annie offered to go out of her way to drop it off at our Airbnb!!! She was communicative and did it our of her own volition and kindness and love for what she does and it really left an impression on us. That day out to sea was so beautiful and magical for us! Would ABSOLUTELY RECOMMEND 38734984587458745874574875498579348758457845x over and over again. Obrigado!!!

– Yvette Villanueva, Google
Top tier experience! Private Catamaran Boat Trip

We had an amazing day with Ani & Pedro. They were both very very VERY helpful, and super kind. We're all so happy about the experience, if it was possible we would have stayed longer. Highly recommended if you're in the area, you won't regret, the 9 of us can guarantee it. Thank you again to Ani and Pedro, and thanks as well to Bruno and Juan for the smooth communication & onboarding.

– Mathis Selvi, Google
Lovely chilled morning relaxing with Isea Private Catamaran Boat Trip

Had a lovely chilled morning relaxing with Isea. Fabulous scenery, great service would recommend to everyone 🤩 and we managed the paddle boarding 😱👏🏻

– Sarah Guiver, Google

We are proud to announce that iSea has been awarded with the Clean and Safe Seal certification by the Turismo de Portugal and that we will follow all the relevant measures to insure that all our clients and staff stay safe during this period.